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الإثنين, 28 تموز/يوليو 2014 15:12

Promote solidarity

كتبه  Afaf Aniba
قيم الموضوع
(0 أصوات)


How we can express our mercy and love to our brothers through the world and why not to mankind ? As Muslim society we don't need to .enact a solidarity law
We enjoy a strong culture of solidarity because our faith. Allah reward every muslim who smiling  to his  brother in Islam, how if he help him ?

But the great challenge now is how and when we should aid our brothers
,,If we can sent every week 5 to 10 dollars to Palestinians or Syrians refugees
we make a difference. Start with your parents who are pover or who needs help. Give to our life a deep meaning, we don't live only for ourselves.
To be sensitive towards mankind is a sign of humanism and learn us humility. And place we can, I prefer yes,we do. Once again, we should help others, if we want to improve our society, institute a way of mutual  aid is the right solution. Right now, people aren't well inform. Other reason to be reserved is corruption, we don't make trust in persons who organize a solidarity campaign.
Indeed, in helping others, we save ourselves, we obtain a mercy of Allah, His great support and we feel
We can help without give money or any thing, you can keep in touch with person who has problems, you can
also advise a good advice, in order to comfort.
I wish after reading this note, you will be act In shâa Allah
قراءة 2140 مرات آخر تعديل على الثلاثاء, 13 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2018 15:04