Blockchain technology has moved past the hype – and hysteria – of cryptocurrencies and become a technology adopted by industry and governments as a solution for securing and streamlining processes across a variety of sectors. China has been a developer and rapid adopter of blockchain, particularly in areas such as finance, medicine, energy, and supply chains. The government’s support of blockchain firms and applications have boosted the use of the tech across the country, improving security, transaction speed for customers, and advancing China’s competitiveness within the global market.","callback_next":"","manage_history":"enabled","has_controls_in_form":"disabled","infinite_tolerance":"0","max_pages":0,"page":1,"base_permalink":"/2021/blockchain-in-china/?wpv_view_count=67185-TCPID44170&wpv_paged=WPV_PAGE_NUM","loop":{"type":"","name":"","data":[],"id":0}}" data-permalink="/2021/blockchain-in-china/?wpv_view_count=67185-TCPID44170" style="box-sizing:border-box"> Executive Summary Emerging technologies such as blockchain, a subset…