قال الله تعالى

 {  إِنَّ اللَّــهَ لا يُغَيِّــرُ مَـا بِقَــوْمٍ حَتَّــى يُـغَيِّـــرُوا مَــا بِــأَنْــفُسِــــهِـمْ  }

سورة  الرعد  .  الآيـة   :   11


" ليست المشكلة أن نعلم المسلم عقيدة هو يملكها، و إنما المهم أن نرد إلي هذه العقيدة فاعليتها و قوتها الإيجابية و تأثيرها الإجتماعي و في كلمة واحدة : إن مشكلتنا ليست في أن نبرهن للمسلم علي وجود الله بقدر ما هي في أن نشعره بوجوده و نملأ به نفسه، بإعتباره مصدرا للطاقة. "
-  المفكر الجزائري المسلم الراحل الأستاذ مالك بن نبي رحمه الله  -


لنكتب أحرفا من النور،quot لنستخرج كنوزا من المعرفة و الإبداع و العلم و الأفكار

الأديبــــة عفــــاف عنيبـــة

السيـــرة الذاتيـــةالسيـــرة الذاتيـــة

أخبـــار ونشـــاطـــاتأخبـــار ونشـــاطـــات 

اصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــةاصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــة

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الأربعاء, 21 نيسان/أبريل 2021 15:13

Je n'irais pas à Davos Mer Morte puisque nous n'avons pas un état palestinien

Printemps 2015, j'ai reçue une invitation de l'ambassade USA en Algérie  pour participer au Forum de Davos Mer Morte Jordanie, j'ai refusée net l'invitation remerciant her Honor l'ambassadrise Américaine en poste en Algérie. Je me suis justifiée ainsi "Je n'irais pas au forum Davos puisque il n y a pas d'état Palestinien" et j'ai envoyée promener les intérêts de l'Algérie. Je n'agis plus en tant que Algérienne mais en tant…
الأربعاء, 21 نيسان/أبريل 2021 15:02

Who will follow Merkel?

On 22 November 2005, the Bundestag elected Angela Merkel to be the first female chancellor in German history. When the elections are held on 26 September 2021, she will no longer be in the running after 16 years as the head of the German government. In Germany, it is traditionally the strongest party in a coalition that supplies the head of government, who is then voted into office by parliament. The three biggest parties in Germany have identified their top choices for the election, so one of the three will probably succeed Merkel as head of government. We present them in…
الأربعاء, 21 نيسان/أبريل 2021 04:00

Deep Cleaning Isn’t a Victimless Crime

Last week, the CDC acknowledged what many of us have been saying for almost nine months about cleaning surfaces to prevent transmission by touch of the coronavirus: It’s pure hygiene theater. “Based on available epidemiological data and studies of environmental transmission factors,” the CDC concluded, “surface transmission is not the main route by which SARS-CoV-2 spreads, and the risk is considered to be low.” In other words: You can put away the bleach, cancel your recurring Amazon subscription for disinfectant wipes, and stop punishing every square inch of classroom floor, restaurant table, and train seat with high-tech antimicrobial blasts. COVID-19 is airborne: It…
الأربعاء, 21 نيسان/أبريل 2021 03:06

Ayam de Nassérah Nazareth 28

Un large sourire éclaira le bon visage de la directrice de la bibliothèque catholique de Nassérah : - Eh bien ! Dés qu'il se présenta, son nom m'avait dis quelque chose, Ougev est une déformation du nom d'origine sefarade Ben Oukeif,ce capitaine de la police militaire est d'origine andalouse, ses semblables éprouvent de grande difficultés d'insertion dans le tissu socio-économique de l'état d'Israël, les Ashkénazes n'ont toujours pas confiance en…
الثلاثاء, 20 نيسان/أبريل 2021 15:26

Why Ramadan is a Big “WooW” for Japanese

There are some solid reasons  why Japan and the Japanese are very different from the rest of the world, or at least the world we are aware of so far. Japan was isolated, literally, for hundreds of years. No one knew what was happening on the islands, nor did the Japanese have a clue about what was beyond their islands. And only by 1868, the legend began to uncover. One example of those differences is the concept of “religion”. Let me give you an idea about religion in Japan. To begin with, Buddhism and Shinto are the two most popular religions…
الثلاثاء, 20 نيسان/أبريل 2021 05:29

Open Mind in Algeria

SBL and English Language Centers, Algiers, Algeria Rabie Oumoussa - School Director and Owner Tell us about your classes and your students. At SBL and ELTC Language Schools in Algiers, we've been using all levels of Open Mind and the Mind Series. Our students range from under 20 to over 50 year olds, and are mixed groups. In addition to Algerian students, we have students from other parts of Africa, Syria, and Asia, including China and Korea. What are your favourite parts of the Open Mind course? My favourite features are the inductive grammar and life skills sections from the series. Overall, the course material…
الثلاثاء, 20 نيسان/أبريل 2021 03:07

Ayam de Nassérah Nazareth 27

Contournant le fauteuil, la femme de Elias s'agenouilla à hauteur de la jeune femme, lui serrant la main et l'épaule valide, elle la regarda avec un si grand débordement de tendresse, que les yeux de Ayam s'embuèrent de larmes: - Doux Jésus ne dis plus jamais cela mon enfant, je t'aime comme ma propre fille, le Seigneur m'a donné deux fils et pas de fille. Tu es la mienne, tes…
The last year has truly transformed how we look at education and what kids have to gain from it. Once restricted to the traditional classroom set-up, with rigid rules, the push to turn towards e-learning has helped schools and organisations become much more flexible in their approach. Online classes have made it safer for kids to continue learning new things and opened up conversations on the future of education and schooling in India. And if experts and industry buzz is to be believed, we are heading towards a much more fluid hybrid learning system. E-learning will continue to be the…
الإثنين, 19 نيسان/أبريل 2021 13:34

About Variants of the Virus that Causes COVID-19

Information about the characteristics of these variants is rapidly emerging. Scientists are working to learn more about how easily they spread, whether they could cause more severe illness, and whether currently authorized vaccines will protect people against them.   What we know Viruses constantly change through mutation, and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time. Sometimes new variants emerge and disappear. Other times, new variants emerge…
Indianapolis was rocked by a mass shooting this week. Police responded to reports of shots fired at a FedEx operational facility around 11 PM on April 15. Eight people were shot and killed. The shooter, Brandon Hole, 19, killed himself. Hole was confirmed as a former FedEx employee. The motive is still being investigative, but Sikh groups are demanding a hate crimes probe as half of the victims belonged to that ethnic group. Yet, as we piece together why Hole committed this heinous crime, we have to wonder if this tragedy was avoidable. No, I’m not talking about gun control. I’m talking about…
الإثنين, 19 نيسان/أبريل 2021 02:18

Ayam de Nassérah Nazareth 26

- Au risque de vous paraître impertinente, j'ai comme un sixième sens qui me dit, que l'enquête dont vous avez la charge actuellement va être expédie en moindre de temps qu'il faut et cela intentionnellement. Fit Ayam en faisant pivoter d'une rapide poussée de la main son fauteuil roulant. Aux paroles de la jeune femme l'Israélien avait été tenté pendant une fraction de seconde de se départir de son masque…