قال الله تعالى

 {  إِنَّ اللَّــهَ لا يُغَيِّــرُ مَـا بِقَــوْمٍ حَتَّــى يُـغَيِّـــرُوا مَــا بِــأَنْــفُسِــــهِـمْ  }

سورة  الرعد  .  الآيـة   :   11


" ليست المشكلة أن نعلم المسلم عقيدة هو يملكها، و إنما المهم أن نرد إلي هذه العقيدة فاعليتها و قوتها الإيجابية و تأثيرها الإجتماعي و في كلمة واحدة : إن مشكلتنا ليست في أن نبرهن للمسلم علي وجود الله بقدر ما هي في أن نشعره بوجوده و نملأ به نفسه، بإعتباره مصدرا للطاقة. "
-  المفكر الجزائري المسلم الراحل الأستاذ مالك بن نبي رحمه الله  -


لنكتب أحرفا من النور،quot لنستخرج كنوزا من المعرفة و الإبداع و العلم و الأفكار

الأديبــــة عفــــاف عنيبـــة

السيـــرة الذاتيـــةالسيـــرة الذاتيـــة

أخبـــار ونشـــاطـــاتأخبـــار ونشـــاطـــات 

اصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــةاصــــدارات الكـــــاتبــة

تـــواصـــل معنــــــاتـــواصـــل معنــــــا

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الأحد, 11 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 17:27

Advice to Muslims on the Means of Attaining Chastity

Islam maintains a balance between the human soul and body, the spiritual and physiological aspect of human beings and their natural inclination towards sexual satisfaction within the legal boundaries that Allah The Almighty has set. With this balance, Islam was able to form a unique new generation that was distinguishably chaste, pure, ambitious and exalted above its desires; it was a generation which sacrificed its wealth and souls for the sake of Allah The Almighty, seeking His pleasure, believing in His promised rewards and protecting the sacred places and the honour of Muslims. Islam encourages marriage as a means to achieve…
الأحد, 11 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 17:21

Surah Al-Ikhlas [112] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem

Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One, Allah, the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent." Link  : https://quran.com/112
الأربعاء, 07 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 15:06

While the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer

   In the early days of the pandemic, President Trump made headlines when he reportedly tried to secure rights to a vaccine from German developer CureVac on behalf of the US government—a move that stirred questions about equity and justice. Should the United States get priority access to the Covid vaccine just because we are the world’s wealthiest nation? Shouldn’t the most vulnerable—no matter their nationality or salary—get vaccinated first? “Capitalism has its limits,” one German lawmaker noted in a widely reported tweet. Had Trump succeeded, the deal might also have sent another stark message about economic inequality—delivering a financial windfall to…
الأربعاء, 07 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 14:52

How Is the Godless West Working Out?

   Some recent developments in the godless West: ‐The supreme court of Italy last week ruled that public masturbation is legal (except in front of minors). ‐The New York city council voted last month to legalize public urination. ‐The San Francisco city council decided by one vote to continue the city’s ban on public nudity — not, of course, on the grounds of “decency,” but on the grounds of public health. Since that can easily be resolved by use of a towel on public benches and chairs, it is only a matter of time — probably a couple of years…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 18:49

More Than Just Law: The Idea of Justice in the Qur’an

Introduction There is an urgent need to revitalize the concept of justice specifically as a virtue since the focus in the Islamic and Western worlds has been more significantly on the juridical and political aspects of justice. Since the European Enlightenment, the classical philosophical conception of justice has been replaced by individualistic conceptions of human nature, focusing on human rights. But for a society to operate with full justice we need righteous humans. For peace and justice to prevail in society, we do not require only laws of justice, but also people of justice. That is to say, justice as…
الثلاثاء, 06 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 17:33

Powell Warns of Weak U.S. Recovery Without Enough Government Aid

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell warned of a weak U.S. recovery without sufficient government aid and said providing too much stimulus wouldn’t be a problem. Powell’s remarks Tuesday came amid Republicans’ opposition to a larger relief package that’s kept talks with Democrats at a stalemate in Congress since aid to jobless Americans and small businesses expired in July and August. “Too little support would lead to a weak recovery, creating unnecessary hardship for households and businesses,” Powell said in the text of a speech for a virtual conference hosted by the National Association for Business Economics. “By contrast, the risks…
Election Day in the United States is a little more than a month away, and scientists are watching the outcome of the presidential race closely. President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, actions to downplay climate change and perpetuation of misinformation have horrified many scientists. “We face a national crisis unlike any we have witnessed,” says a statement of concern about the state of democracy in the country, drafted by US scientists and signed by more than 3,400 supporters in response to Trump’s leadership. Early polls show that Democratic challenger Joe Biden and his running mate, senator Kamala Harris of California, have…
1. Introduction Economics is a social science. What to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce are the main questions of economics. Each economic system provides different solutions to these problems. There are several schools of thought on how these questions are answered or how these functions are carried out. These schools vary from neoclassical economics to Marxian economics, of which the Keynesians and the monetarists were the famous ones until 1970s. New classical school and new Keynesian school are the popular ones in recent years. Although philosophical, ethical, and religious origins of these widely accepted schools of…
الأحد, 04 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 14:53

Why Far-Right Paramilitaries are Not Just “Vigilantes”

Trump’s call for the Proud Boys and other armed far-right paramilitaries to “stand by” has finally shed light on the real threat of physical intimidation around the election, to add to the threats of cyberattacks and abuses of the legal system. His call to arms is also a reminder why calling far-right domestic terrorists merely “vigilantes” minimizes and even trivializes the threat, for several reasons. A vigilante can be defined as “a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime summarily (as when the processes of law are viewed as inadequate),” or more broadly “a self-appointed doer…
الأحد, 04 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 12:28

The Dark Side of 5G: Military Use

The September 12 demonstration “Stop 5G” in Rome rightly focuses on the possible electromagnetic consequences for health and environment, in particular on the decree that prevents mayors from regulating the installation of 5G antennas in the municipal area. However, the Italian public continues to ignore a fundamental aspect of this technology: its military use. We have already warned about it in the manifesto (10 December 2019) but with poor results. The subsequent programs launched by the Pentagon, officially documented, confirm what we wrote nine months ago. The “5G Strategy,” approved on May 2, 2020, stated that “the Defense Department must develop and…
السبت, 03 تشرين1/أكتوير 2020 17:38

Life Under The Green New Deal

During the nasty September 29 presidential “debate,” candidate Joe Biden proclaimed “I am the Democratic Party.” He is in charge, he insisted, and his views will be Democrat policy. Others aren’t so sure – about that, about what his views actually are, or about how far to the left he would be pushed, prodded and pressured by Kamala Harris, AOC, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Antifa mobs, and coastal and blue city governing, academic and technology elites. Mr. Biden has pledged to eliminate the Trump tax cuts but has refused to say whether he supports single-payer nationalized healthcare, Second…